Sponsorships, Partnerships
and Services
See all 3 below:
As an organisation lead by a diverse team of women, to mark Black History Month 2024 we have a few PACKAGE DEALS available for our Sponsorship packages and Services Packages - if you'll like to know more, please contact us on our contact form! The last day to confirm your purchase order is Wednesday 30th October 2024!

GUC Sponsor
We’re constantly looking for more Partners and Sponsors to keep this GUC vehicle moving.
Sponsorships enable us to provide continuous opportunities and support to our ever growing network of young diverse women. With your help, we can continue to deliver our activities, products and events for young women.
We created a few sponsorship packages to enable you to also benefit from supporting us! ​Our sponsors are industry related and non-related businesses who believe in our mission and want to help us fulfil it. To choose a Sponsorship package for your Business, contact us below! ​

Zaha Hadid Architects (ZHA) redefined architecture for the 21st century with a repertoire of projects that have captured imaginations across the globe. Form and space are woven within the structure of buildings that engage the senses, creating unrivalled spatial experiences that are clearly organized and intuitive to navigate. Receiving the highest honours from civic, professional and academic institutions worldwide, ZHA is one of the world’s most consistently inventive architectural studios—and has been for four decades. These 40 years of research are inscribed within more than 70 award-winning projects built for clients with reputations for excellence and visionary communities across six continents. With over 80 pioneering designs currently in development around the world, ZHA is a global leader in improving how the industry constructs. Marrying advancements in design technologies with ecologically sound materials and sustainable construction practices, ZHA does not look at the disparate parts, but works to understand them as a whole to meet the aspirations of each new generation.
GUC Partnerships
Social Value at the Centre
Our Social Value activities encourage + equip young women into their careers across Construction & the Built Environment. We can become your Social Value Outreach Delivery Partner to encourage more young women into the industry. As part of this partnership, we will essentially create relatable industry experiences for young women in the form of industry career related sessions, workshops, activities, insight initiatives, programmes and networking events. We can also engage with schools / colleges / universities on your behalf with our GUC Ambassadors to deliver engaging sessions / activities / workshops best suited for their career stage - this can be in person or virtual. We first find out your company needs (including any location preferences linked to project sites), then we create a tailored engagement suitable to meet your needs and the target audience’s needs:
Social Value Delivery for project tenders & live projects:
Industry Career related Session / Workshop / Activity
Insight Initiatives
Programmes (Work-Experience, Internship or other)
Social Networking Event or Industry Sector focused Networking Event
*Please Note: ‘Platinum Alliance Package’ Sponsors get 1 free Social Value Initiative a year as part of their package. ​

GUC Services
Our first passion lies in supporting our network of diverse young women through initiatives, resources, events and more. Our second passion lies in helping companies across the industry ‘do better’ for the sake of the young women we have access to.
We are passionate about Social Value, EDI & better workplace practices, cultures, environments and strategies for young women. Our access to and engagement with a vast amount of diverse women from grassroots level to entry-level + has exposed us to challenges, problems and struggles they face on a daily basis. Due to this, we support companies across Construction & the Built Environment through a number of services such as:
JobAd packages for your roles to be published onto our Opportunities Board for reach to our network of young diverse women.
EDI + Social Value Workshops for your Entry-Level and New Employees or senior leaders and board members
Social Media Content Strategy Creation
Providing Female Panellist's for your events.
Advertisement Space on our Website, in our Community Newsletter and during our virtual events.
Sponsored Social Media Posts.
If you would like to enquire about these services, get in touch:

Support our Giveaways!
We always aim to support our Community Network of diverse young women through many ways - giveaways are just 1 ! If you'll like to provide or sponsor resources or experiences such as books, event tickets, masterclass tickets, design software's, skills courses, equipment, building/venue tours & more: